A driver did not receive a login pincode
The driver has filled in a phone number and get’s to the page where (s)he needs to fill in the six digit pincode, but the pincode is never received through SMS.
Possible problems here could be:
The phone number that is attached to the driver is no longer valid or the driver is using a phone with a different phone number
The provider might have blocked the text message
Start with checking whether or not the phone number of the driver exists and is the current one. If the driver calls you with the same phone number, then it’s verified. If not please call the phone number and make sure you get the driver on the phone.
If the phone number is valid, but (s)he does not receive a pincode. Please check this Metabase page and look for the code. Remember the codes are only valid for a short period of time, so the driver might need to try again.