We assume, your Lightspeed webshop is already connected / sync with your Picqer account. Which means you are already receiving and managing orders and shipments from your Picqer dashboard.


Start with the implementation of the Trunkrs Shipping Portal Picqer-Label endpoint https://lightspeed.trunkrs.app/api/picqer-label to Picqer by creating a New Shipping Provider Integration.

Creating Shipping Integration

  1. Click on Settings and hit on the Shipping provider under Integrations Tab

  2. Then click on +Add New Shipping Provider

  3. Shipping Providers Page will be shown, choose the JSON Push your own custom shipping method

  4. Complete the New Shipping Provider form then save

  5. The last one, Add a Profile

After completing the steps above. You are now ready to Create Shipments with the Trunkrs Shipping Portal